Agwa de Bolivia Coca Leaf Liqueur
This is a sample of Agwa de Bolivia Coca Leaf Liqueur

3 cl / 30%
0 persons recommended this dram. Recommend it.
Agwa de Bolivia, which is considered to be the world's first and only spirit derived from coca leaf. The translucent green liqueur is delicious and needs little else but some fresh lime juice and a couple of ice cubes, if you prefer it chilled (see the gallery below for cocktail recipes featuring AGWA de Bolivia).
AGWA contains guarana, an extract from the seeds of Paullina Cupana (which contains caffeine); ginseng (a stimulant); and approximately 40 grams of coca leaf in every bottle.
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Reviews and ratings (See more reviews of Agwa)
“Sniiiifff! Much like a decent tequila with a ton of sugar. More hype that other thing... WTF! Did you see that red dragon?!”This dram has a fino-like color.
Nose (75): more than average. green, agave, citrus. Like a white Tequila... not bad.
Taste (77): light, smooth. honey, floral, agave, sugar.
Finish (76): short. sugar, citrus.
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